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Transport Stretcher

What is a Transport Stretcher?

A Transport Stretcher,also called patient transfer stretcher, is a medical tool that used to transfer wounded and sick patients in a supine position.Transport Stretchers are designed especially for emergency departments, trauma centers, and post anesthesia care units.


When should use a Transport Stretcher?

Transport stretchers offer safe and efficient patient transport within healthcare facilities and during emergency situations. Combining reliability, safety, and comfort, transport stretchers are one of the most common and safest methods of moving patients from one area to another. One common use example is when a patient undergoing surgery needs to be transported from their patient room to the operating room. In this situation, it is highly likely that the medical professional will use a transport stretcher to move the patient.


What are the benefits of Transport Stretcher?

* Enhanced Safety

Reliable stretcher transportation ensures the safety and well-being of patients during transit. Specially trained medical personnel accompany the patient, providing continuous monitoring and care throughout the journey.

* Medical Support

Stretcher transportation is equipped with medical supplies and equipment, making it suitable for patients with critical or specialized medical needs. This includes patients who are bedridden, have severe injuries, or need medical interventions during transportation.

* Comfort and Dignity

Being transported on a stretcher can be much more comfortable for patients who cannot sit or move easily due to their medical condition. It allows them to maintain a lying position, reducing discomfort and preserving dignity.

* Customized Care

Each patient’s needs are assessed individually, and the transportation plan is tailored accordingly. This personalized approach ensures that appropriate medical interventions and equipment are available to meet the patient’s requirements.


What is the cost of Transport Stretcher?

The price of transport stretchers ranges approximately from $550 to $3900, depending on the stretcher's configuration.


How to choose the right Transport Stretcher?

Choosing the right transport stretcher involves considering several factors to ensure it meets the specific needs of your healthcare facility or organization. Here are some key considerations:

1. Patient Needs and Safety:

   - Consider the types of patients you typically transport (e.g., adults, children, bariatric patients).

   - Ensure the stretcher provides adequate support, comfort, and safety features such as side rails, straps, and a stable base.

2. Size and Weight capacity:

   - Consider the stretcher’s overall dimensions to ensure it fits comfortably in your facility’s transport pathways and storage areas.

   - Check weight capacity ratings to ensure it can safely support your heaviest patients.

3. Special Features and Accessories:

   - Assess additional features such as IV poles, oxygen bottle holders, and storage baskets for medical supplies.

   - Evaluate optional accessories like patient restraints, head immobilizers, or ergonomic mattresses based on your specific needs.

4. Ease of Use and Maneuverability:

   - Evaluate how easy it is to maneuver the stretcher, especially in tight spaces like hallways or elevators.

   - Look for features like swivel wheels, steering control, and ergonomic handles for smooth movement.

5. Budget Considerations:

   - Compare prices among different stretcher models while considering the overall value, including durability, features, and warranty coverage.

By carefully evaluating these factors, you can choose a transport stretcher that enhances patient care, improves staff efficiency, and meets the operational needs of your healthcare facility.
